Program - May 16
09h00-10h30 Environmental point clouds [Bodo Bookhagen]
- Point cloud sources: lidar (terrestrial, airborne), SFM, stereo satellites
- Resolution, precision
- Vegetation, file formats, data repositories
10h45-12h15 Software tools: CloudCompare - part 1 [Dimitri Lague, Paul Leroy]
13h45-14h15 Software tools: CloudCompare - part 2 [Dimitri Lague, Paul Leroy]
14h30-16h00 Classification [Dimitri Lague]
- Ground classification basics: geometrical methods (airborne)
- Learning approaches
- Challenges
16h15-17h30 Software tools: python [Bodo Bookhagen]
- Basics on python usage to visualize and process point clouds
- First steps in python and some applications (e.g. alignment with Open3D)
- Installation with pip, Miniconda / Anaconda
Workshop materials are available on GitHub!